BNHM Informatics-IT

History The BNHM and IS&T have had a remarkable partnership for over the last 10 years, unique among American universities between natural history museums and their main campus IT department. It began in the spirit of shared services, well before that became a buzzword on the UC Berkeley campus. The goal has always been to use resources more efficiently and synergistically in service of the core missions of the BNHM and the campus. With support from the Vice-Chancellor of Research Office, the BNHM has formed a unique structure to maintain a rich and diverse portfolio in a competitive and quickly changing environment.

The BNHM Informatics-IT portfolio The BNHM are world leaders in the development and deployment of informatics tools that support the mission of the BNHM and its seven member museums and nine member field stations. Its portfolio is a rich combination of applications, hardware, maintained and devised by the critical Informatics savvy domain specialists, including application programmers and domain experts.

Extramural Success  In the last 10 years, the BNHM have raised ~$26 million in grants to develop informatics tools beyond their collection databases, and these tools in turn have been central to the BNHM’s core goals, including the ability to raise funds via significant research grants. Over the last 5 years, the BNHM and its affiliated faculty and partners (such as the Berkeley Initiative in Global Change Biology) have raised ~$58 million in extramural support.

Organization Chart & Key BNHM People



Chair, BNHM Directors
Charles Marshall UCMP
Chair, BNHM Informatics-IT Community
Michelle Koo MVZ
BNHM Software Engineers
Joyce Gross BNHM
John Deck BNHM
Lam Voong BNHM, IS&T
BNHM Informatics-IT committee
Jason Alexander UC&Jepson Herbaria
Michael Black Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
Carla Cicero Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
Holly Forbes UC Botanical Gardens
Patricia Holroyd UC Museum of Paleontology
Peter Oboyski Essig Museum of Entomology